End of yearlong drama... back to 9psi
I recently decided that it'd be a HUGE hassle to port the wastegate on my daily driver, so it was not feasible with the open exhaust (or high flow cats) to set the boost above 5.5psi for fear of creeping to certain doom.

Side note to keep in mind: I had just fixed my A/F issues.
Side note 2: When I bought the car, it wasn't boosting properly.

I was hesitant to set the car back to the way I got it because last night I reattached the stock EBC (Electronic Boost Controller for those nonboosted folk) and it wouldn't work. It was still set at 5.5psi... not the 8.6784952 that it should be set at.

Well, today I had Murph toss on my old cats and fix the EGR pipe for a whopping $40. Then I bought a new 02 sensor.

Side note 3: My A/F gauge has never read below 14:1A/F even after I had it on petes wideband reading 10.2:!.
Side note 4: Turbo A/F ratios should be between 10 and 12.5...

Took it for a test drive, and WHAMO... 9psi slams hard and holds til redline. A/F gauge showing 10.5-11:1 A/F... MY PILE WORKS!!!!

For the first time EVER... I am at full boost... reading correct readings... with proper A/F ratios.

BWHAHAHAHAHA!! My first HPDE is right around the corner!!!
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2008 Felt F75 - Pedal Power
mr "i dont want to hurt my car with too many autox runs" doing an hpde? i'll bring the camera Tongue congrats Smile
I Am Mike
4 wheels:  '01 RAV4 (Formerly '93 Civic CX, '01 S2000, '10 GTI, '09 A4 Avant)
2 wheels: '12 Surly Cross-Check Custom | '14 Trek Madone 2.1 105 | '17 Norco Threshold SL Force 1 | '17 Norco Revolver 9.2 FS | '18 BMC Roadmachine 02 Two | '19 Norco Search XR Steel (Formerly '97 Honda VFR750F, '05 Giant TCR 2, '15 WeThePeople Atlas 24, '10 Scott Scale 29er XT, '11 Cervelo R3 Rival, '12 Ridley X-Fire Red)

No longer onyachin.
I knew something was wrong with the car at that time. It wasn't running 100%... I need a busted pile to drive on the side, but my signing bonus is right around the corner Wink
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2008 Felt F75 - Pedal Power
your first layoff is too! weeee corporate america!
I Am Mike
4 wheels:  '01 RAV4 (Formerly '93 Civic CX, '01 S2000, '10 GTI, '09 A4 Avant)
2 wheels: '12 Surly Cross-Check Custom | '14 Trek Madone 2.1 105 | '17 Norco Threshold SL Force 1 | '17 Norco Revolver 9.2 FS | '18 BMC Roadmachine 02 Two | '19 Norco Search XR Steel (Formerly '97 Honda VFR750F, '05 Giant TCR 2, '15 WeThePeople Atlas 24, '10 Scott Scale 29er XT, '11 Cervelo R3 Rival, '12 Ridley X-Fire Red)

No longer onyachin.
Sign up for CMP and roll out.
Redline? :lol:
Time to give me a ride.

Nick325is Wrote:Redline? :lol:
Time to give me a ride.


yeah same here, never been in that piece!
1996 BMW 328is white │ 89 BMW 325i track car │84 BMW 325e for sale!│Past: 94 Honda Del Sol S, 2003 Toyota 4Runner V8 Limited, 1996 BMW 328i

e30/e36 parts for sale... PM me
haha... i was wrong. just drove it back to work... 5.5psi and fucking 14:1... time to go hunting again.
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2008 Felt F75 - Pedal Power
i dunno if its true for your RX, but on DSMs you cant trust an A/F with the stock o2 sensor, not at all accurate, hence the need for a wideband...but like I said dunno bout the RX? But anyway, you have an internal gate right????? could it be sticking open or wastegate actuator fucking up????? only allowing for 5.5 boost? sorry if it isnt even possible, just wanted to post something :wink:
I know the A/F is untrustable. I just had Pete's wideband in it. The A/F is ok. I'm worried about why it's boosting well sometimes and not others.
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2008 Felt F75 - Pedal Power

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