Got real busy Friday. Idk the madness just kinda took hold and then I was in the garage all day and a good chunk of the night. Pulled the radiator (again), and pulled the thermostat. Poured a good bit of water through the block and radiator to make sure everything was coming out clear finally. Looked like the thin ring of RTV my dad threw on the old thermostat was dissolving and was causing at least some of the murkiness.
Got to work on the Taurus fan by trimming the shroud. There wasn't a chance in hell it was going to slip over the shroud tabs like I've seen some people do. Champion must've widened them a bit recent. I trimmed it to make it work but it was like an inch too long. With the power steering pump up on the March Performance bracket instead of down by the k-member like stock there just isn't nearly as much room as there should be with it offset. I tried trimming it to lay completely flat but there still isn't enough room to even get it started going in. Wasted a lot of time here and almost threw in the towel but decided to just go with plan A after all. I just threw the old setup back and decided to get to work on my cooling mods.
Got the high flow thermostat in place and got to work making some brackets for my external transmission cooler.
Out of curiosity I mocked up a bracket to offset the license plate to hopefully let more air through the valance. This car has a pretty small grille opening so I figured it could use all the help it can get.
Not as offset as I would like and needs some bracing + welds to be "done" but it's working for me now.
Decide to cut the hole for the hood scoop now since it wasn't going to hurt anything and I was anxious to see if it would help out. I forgot to mention I was really planning on making it to cars and coffee the next morning and was losing daylight thanks to all the cutting on the fan.
Guess I should probably order the scoop now, fortunately holes for the mounting studs were drilled in the bracing from the factory so that should be an easy job.
Managed to pull it off. Had real high hopes the cooling issues were solved because it sat right 190 for a good chunk of the drive down 33. I think my EFI is going really lean when coasting because once I started hitting the hilly section and coasted up to 2 red lights it kept jumping 4-5 degrees and climbed past 200 in record time. It's a common issue I can workout with some tuning but that's for another day. The hole in the hood seemed to help a good bit. It may have been a placebo but the engine definitely felt more responsive with a cold air source. Not sure what the temps were before but the hood would burn the shit out of my hand just pulling the pins and the heat from opening the hood would smack me in the face like the oven door does when I forget 400 degrees is hot. Didn't have those issues this time and I could see a column of heat waves coming through it when I was stopped. So the battle goes on, I'm hoping tuning and timing will fix what's left of the cooling issues. The engine definitely needs some more time to be fully broken in so there' that too. Still getting a little bit of oil in my breather cap but overall it's been running strong.