01-11-2005, 12:57 PM
CaptainHenreh Wrote:Many of you have never met my father. Before he became a Pastor, he was a diesel mechanic. He has an inch drive socket set. He has arms the size of small trees. After he was a deisel mechanic, he was an industrial electrician, and then he *taught* deisel mechanics. The man has arms that look like they could crush your head like an orange. He's like Thor with a beard. Enormous. He can break things loose with his fingers that take Dave and I a ratchet to break loose.Typically, if we are having a hard time with something, his dad will come into the garage and watch us. Just by his mere presence the problem is typically solved. I think it is because the problem gets scared and doesn't want to get its ass handed to it, so it decides to go easy with us; others have thier own theories.