Computer stuff CHEAP!! edit: more stuff!
Hey guys, I've got some stuff I need to offload. Please help! Everything worked last time I tried to use them. I think I have all the necessary software as well. I don't know all of the brands or models; I've listed what I know but feel free to ask questions or direct me to how to find out.
-Soundblaster Live soundcard from my old computer and the Boston Acoustics digital speakers (1 sub, 2 satellites) that went with it. I'd like to get $50
-DVD drive $10
-Phillips CDR drive $15
-keyboard $5
-Panasonic floppy drive $free
-3com ethernet card $15
-video card
-modem $5
PM me if my prices are bad. I didn't do any research, I just got tired of seeing it sit at my house. Seriously with some ram, hard drive (I have one of these too, was going to use it as a storag device), and processor, you could probably make a decent computer out of this stuff. Nothing is brand new, so I have no idea what fair market value on this is
what condition is the keyboard in, and i may take the floppy drive. with the hard drive you mentioned, what size is it, and would you sell it?
floppy = mine
I Am Mike
4 wheels:  '01 RAV4 (Formerly '93 Civic CX, '01 S2000, '10 GTI, '09 A4 Avant)
2 wheels: '12 Surly Cross-Check Custom | '14 Trek Madone 2.1 105 | '17 Norco Threshold SL Force 1 | '17 Norco Revolver 9.2 FS | '18 BMC Roadmachine 02 Two | '19 Norco Search XR Steel (Formerly '97 Honda VFR750F, '05 Giant TCR 2, '15 WeThePeople Atlas 24, '10 Scott Scale 29er XT, '11 Cervelo R3 Rival, '12 Ridley X-Fire Red)

No longer onyachin.
the hard drive is a 15GB and yeah, I'll sell it. Make me an offer; I'm not looking for much. The keyboard has seen some use over the years but it works great. I like it a lot more than my new one, to be honest.

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