Rear tranny mount problem.... big problem
Rewind to 5 months ago when I did my swap... I was missing one of the rear tranny mount bolts so I left it out. I have always meant to get around to it but it just hasnt happened. I've autocrossed with it like that with no issues.

Fast forward to last weekend. I'm in NC for a 24 hour autocross. On my second run I pull back in and notice my shifter is back really far. If I have it in what looks like nuetral, its actually in third. Back in nuetral looks like 4th gear, and 4th gear looks way way back. Just as a relevant side note the course was very bumpy. I figure it was a mount problem, so I look under the car and noticed the rear mount was sticking out away from the tranny. With no way to get hte right bolts, I made the decision to continue autocrossing with it like that (It was a 24 hour event, no way was I going to ruin that oppurtunity). After about 15 runs or so, it wont even go into second gear. Before that I just had problems with it poping out over bumps. I finally had to call it quits. I had to drive home the next day with only 1st, 3rd, and 5th gear.

Yesterday my new bolts arive from Nissan. I try to install them, but the threads are stripped. !@%%!!! So I got to work on dropping the tranny. I finish up this evening, and discover that not only are some of the threads striped, but the aluminum broke off around the uppermost bolt hole. Before I was just going to helicoil the threads, but now I dont know what to do. Swap cases? How hard is that? What about welding up the hole and redrilling and taping? Any advice would be appreciated.

Swapping tranny cases isnt bad..... just move the guts from one case to the other.
(09-25-2019, 03:18 PM)V1GiLaNtE Wrote: I think you need to see a mental health professional.
.RJ Wrote:Swapping tranny cases isnt bad..... just move the guts from one case to the other.

Word. And your trans is super easy to take apart.
1987 Oldsmobile Cutlass 442
Problem with swapping cases is that my spare is at home in Nova (I'm in Blacksburg). I dropped the tranny off at my mechanics today. He is going to helicoil the two stripped holes, and the third one thats actually broken will most likely end up being welded (Either filling it with filler rod, or grinding away to make a right angle then welding another piece of aluminum in).
CCVT VP 05-06

1991 Sentra SE-R w/ SR20VE
1994 Yamaha Seca II
I would wait and get the spare case - helicoil/timesert is good, welding a cracked case is not.
(09-25-2019, 03:18 PM)V1GiLaNtE Wrote: I think you need to see a mental health professional.
can you drive up to h-burg on friday (a friend or something)? i might be able to get that tranny for you, but i'm going to h-burg.
'19 Golf R

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