Elections for 2004-2005 School Year
The following people are running for office:

President (loser trickles to VP)
- Chris Procopio
- Hunter Brown
- Travis Miller
- Ryan Thayer
- Dave Allen
- Chris Reed
- Rob Feerst
- Scott Bradford
- Sean Schutte
- John Varona
- Jack Hirsch

Voting will occur at our next meeting, absentee votes (paid members no longer at JMU or those who can't make the meeting) can be made by e-mail. Send them to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:colli2mj@jmu.edu">colli2mj@jmu.edu</a><!-- e -->.

No discussion in this thread please. People running for office are welcome to intro/plug themselves here so the absentee voters know what's up.
I Am Mike
4 wheels:  '01 RAV4 (Formerly '93 Civic CX, '01 S2000, '10 GTI, '09 A4 Avant)
2 wheels: '12 Surly Cross-Check Custom | '14 Trek Madone 2.1 105 | '17 Norco Threshold SL Force 1 | '17 Norco Revolver 9.2 FS | '18 BMC Roadmachine 02 Two | '19 Norco Search XR Steel (Formerly '97 Honda VFR750F, '05 Giant TCR 2, '15 WeThePeople Atlas 24, '10 Scott Scale 29er XT, '11 Cervelo R3 Rival, '12 Ridley X-Fire Red)

No longer onyachin.
My name is Ryan Thayer and I am running for VP. I've been a member of Madison Motorsports since last semester and since then I have done as much as I can to be involved in the club. I would appreciate all your votes because I am very interested in learning more about how this club ticks and I would do my best to organize the events and keep everything in line while assisting the President.

And remember; When you vote VP, vote Ryan T.
2010 Dodge Ram 1500
2019 Ford Mustang
on the off chance that I'm not able to make it to the meeting for the actual elections, I shall put up a few words for myself here.

I (David Allen) have been a member since August of '02, when I took my first hit off the go-fast crackpipe at Lowe's, working my first HPDE. Since then, I have been in attendance at all but 4 NASA HPDEs since Aug02 (also have done CarGuys), as well as going to several autoX events, 2 karting trips, and a few trips to various race shops. I consider myself to be very involved and committed to the club. If any of you have attended an unofficial official MM party since Fall 03, it was probably at my house. I actually participated in my first HPDE last February and just can't get enough of driving. I constantly plug MM to random people at work who drive nice/well-modified cars, despite the funny looks I get. I enjoy all forms of motorsports, but my favorites right now would have to be autoX, karting, and road racing. Although next year will be my senior year, I can think of no better way to leave than to devote more of my time to an organization that I enjoy so much as MM, and whom I attribute with providing me with an awesome group of friends with similar interests, as well as giving me some direction with an idea of some things I want to accomplish in my life.
As to being a treasurer, I think that I am very good with money. I am a finance major and have been pretty much self-sufficient for close to three years now, recieving minimal help from parents unless in dire need. In this time period, I have received a loan (w/o cosign or any previous credit) and refinanced that loan, showing that I am knowledgeable of how to work with money. I maintain a stringent record of all of my expenses and am capable of reporting the balance of how much money I have to spare at almost any given point in time. I would be an effective treasurer for MM due to this ability to track expenses and incoming funds, as well as my ablility to plan for the future.
I don't have a catchy slogan like Ryan, but I know that I will work hard as a member of the MM executive council and I have the qualities necessary to be a great treasurer. I hope to expand my experiences in the motorsport realm (maybe even to a little drag :gasp: Smile )while getting to know the finer workings of our club and its members. Vote for me on April 6th for treasurer, and I will work to help ensure the success of Madison Motorsports.

edit: Ryan has so graciously provided me with a catchy slogan: "Vote for Dave and money you'll save!" I also forgot to mention that I can cook up a mean pork chop sandwich and would have no hesitation to punch Maeng in the dick in an attempt to prevent the purchase of girl scout cookies (despite the appalled look on the woman's face).
well i guess i need to throw in my shameless plug...where to start. first things first, my name is Scott Bradford and i've been a member since my sophomore year, 2002. i'm running for secretary again, so here's some stuff about me and why i am glad to be a member of this wonderful automotive addiction support grou...i mean motorsports club.

i have always been a car freak, and when i found out about such a sweet club right here at jmu i immediately joined up. i was just a member the first year, and experienced my first adventures in flagging, and did what i could to participate, if even a little bit, in all other events. my second year, i ran for and had the privelege to take office as secretary. my participation continued with more flagging, and an autocross, as well as other non-motorsport events like cruises and other shananigans. this year, i will continue to get as involved as possible, and try to do my best to come up with fresh ideas on how our bad ass club can get to know each other better and have fun in as many ways as possible. i will also use what artistic ability i have to continue to make our advertisements in conglomeration with the webmaster, which is a bonus job i really enjoy as secretary. it's been a great couple years with a great bunch of guys, and i will always be greatful to what this club has given me in knowledge and damn good times. hopefully i can continue to give back just as much as i have recieved.

as for my slogan.....ah....."OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
2010 Civic Si
2019 4Runner TRD Off-Road
Past:  03 Xterra SE 4x4  |  05 Impreza 2.5RS  |  99.5 A4 Quattro 1.8T  |  01 Accord EX  |  90 Maxima GXE  |  96 Explorer XLT
Hi, everyone should know me. My name is Jack Hirsch and I'm running for PR/Webmaster. I'm running to be webmaster because I designed this entire site. I'm running for PR because I run around asking EVERYONE to join at clubs n' orgs nights and I shamelessly attack nice cars with little notes saying "visit mmsports.org"... I also did pretty well picking up sponsors for last year's car show.

I guess the biggest reason you should vote for me is right here: this site. If you're here, there's a chance I recruited you, and if I didn't recruit you, I kept you here in some odd way because you're reading this lovely site that I designed. If you want to keep seeing the club and the website grow, vote for me.
My Tumblr
2008 Felt F75 - Pedal Power
I toss my hat into the running for MM Secretary.

My slogans: "May MM roll till the wheels fall off, Vote Sean!"

My campaign: "Simple, I will keep proper records so that MM will not be forgotten"

My name: "Sean Schutte"

I have won the position of MM Treasurer for the last two elections. With my time as part of the MM hierarchy I now have an intimate knowledge with the functions of the club, which will provide me proper insight necessary to be a proper Secretary.
I'm a little late posting this, but elections are at the meeting tomorrow night and I thought I would remind everyone.

First, a little about myself.

I am currently a Junior, Recreation Management major. I found out about MM from my freshmen year roommate, and ran up to the club table at student org. night and signed up immediately. That was Fall semester of 2001.

Now, one of the current Vice Presidents, I would like to list what I have accomplished.

-very active in officer meetings and planning
-help run and plan every meeting, and I'm at each one
-help the other officers with tasks
- have contacted many individuals: pocket bike group, parking services, events and conferences, VA mustang, break dance club, bike club, and many on campus people
-spend a little or lots of time every day planning and completing tasks for the show
-helped at student org. night recuiting members
- advertised on campus (fliers) several times
-sponsor visits for show

What I've done as a club member (most of this only from this past year, I couldn't list everything from years past)

- 15 total days working at track events (8 weekends)
-many G-Force and Allsport trips
-ran in 2 autox's, and been to several to watch/help
-worked basketball concessions to raise club funds
-helped with install days
-worked 1 car guys track event
-many MM get togethers and parties
-very active on the forum
-I have future plans of driving schools and more autox's

Why I'm a good candidate for President:

-well organized
-good people skills- contact and deal with people
-good writer- for writing letters to JMU staff
-worked in sales- good at approaching people and asking for help/donations/etc.
- Eagle Scout- if that matters to you
- my major- revolves around the commercial side of recreation (race track and our club in general), plus it does not require a great deal of my time like other majors. This allows me plenty of time to complete the duties of President.

I'd like to think I have become good friends with many of you so far. I look forward to the great times we've had in MM. I have big goals for our club next year and would like to lead you as President. I hope you consider me when voting or emailing your vote in. Thanks!

1996 BMW 328is white │ 89 BMW 325i track car │84 BMW 325e for sale!│Past: 94 Honda Del Sol S, 2003 Toyota 4Runner V8 Limited, 1996 BMW 328i

e30/e36 parts for sale... PM me
Sean you've been added.

Absentee voters please have your choices to me (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:colli2mj@jmu.edu">colli2mj@jmu.edu</a><!-- e -->) ASAP and definately before 6pm tomorrow.
I Am Mike
4 wheels:  '01 RAV4 (Formerly '93 Civic CX, '01 S2000, '10 GTI, '09 A4 Avant)
2 wheels: '12 Surly Cross-Check Custom | '14 Trek Madone 2.1 105 | '17 Norco Threshold SL Force 1 | '17 Norco Revolver 9.2 FS | '18 BMC Roadmachine 02 Two | '19 Norco Search XR Steel (Formerly '97 Honda VFR750F, '05 Giant TCR 2, '15 WeThePeople Atlas 24, '10 Scott Scale 29er XT, '11 Cervelo R3 Rival, '12 Ridley X-Fire Red)

No longer onyachin.
This is Travis with one more plug for himself.
Vote for him.

MIHS - hot cause we fly you ain't so you not

2004 Subaru WRX STi
1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX
1998 Oldsmobile Cutlass
Well I guess it would be safe to say that Im a little late to this thread..anywho, my name is Chris Reed and Im running for treasurer. First off, I will be the first one to admit that I havent been involved in the club as much as I would like to be, as far as track events go. Ive been a member since the spring of my sophomore year (2003) and havent missed a meeting since and have become a complete forum junkie. As far as my credentials go Ive been working as a teller at a bank in RI since the beginning of last summer, where I was responsible for helping bank customers with deposits and withdrawals, handling money, updating accounts and reconciling my cash drawer and vault. Also this past semester I was elected the treasurer of my pledge class for my fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi. As the treasurer of the pledge class it was my responsibility to collect and deposit money from the pledges, as well as keep financial records of what was spent and who needed to be reimbursed. The records that I kept were very organized and I documented all deposits and expenses for the duration of the semester. As you can see I am pretty well qualified and I would like to see this club continue to grow. Insert creative slogan here________________
President - Chris Procopio
Vice President - Hunter Brown
Treasurer - Dave Allen
Secretary - Scott Bradford
Webmaster - Jack Hirsch
Tool of the Year - Mike Collins, followed closely by Dan Byrnside and Ryan Jenkins
I Am Mike
4 wheels:  '01 RAV4 (Formerly '93 Civic CX, '01 S2000, '10 GTI, '09 A4 Avant)
2 wheels: '12 Surly Cross-Check Custom | '14 Trek Madone 2.1 105 | '17 Norco Threshold SL Force 1 | '17 Norco Revolver 9.2 FS | '18 BMC Roadmachine 02 Two | '19 Norco Search XR Steel (Formerly '97 Honda VFR750F, '05 Giant TCR 2, '15 WeThePeople Atlas 24, '10 Scott Scale 29er XT, '11 Cervelo R3 Rival, '12 Ridley X-Fire Red)

No longer onyachin.
Congrats to the new officers.

Hunter (tricycle) Brown got VP? The man can't even keep all his wheels on! :lol:
MichaelJComputer Wrote:Results
Tool of the Year - Mike Collins, followed closely by Dan Byrnside and Ryan Jenkins

damn! RJ - honorable mention for tool of the year?
1994 Ford Ranger
2004 Honda S2000
2007 BMW X3
I'll try harder next year
(09-25-2019, 03:18 PM)V1GiLaNtE Wrote: I think you need to see a mental health professional.

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