11-30-2004, 10:40 AM
I'll just cut and paste what was emailed to me:
"Harry Grove Stadium in Frederick, MD is the location of our next autocross event, on SATURDAY December 4th. Due to the cold temperatures and the day being shorter, this event will be an abreviated autocross with 4 runs (5 depending on time) with two heats.
"Registration will be an hour later at 9:30. We will be having only 40 cars, two heats, with 4 runs (5 if we get lined up quickly). One heat will run and the other will work. Then we switch, pack up and go home.
"The event fee is $20 for members and $25 for non-members at this event. So if you plan to attend, e-mail me your name(s), make, model, year and color of your vehicle.
"The annual membership is $25 (if you do more than 2 events, its probably worth just joining).
"If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://members.cox.net/capitaldrivingclub/index.html">http://members.cox.net/capitaldrivingclub/index.html</a><!-- m -->
Right...so I've never done an autox with them, and I won't be able to attend on that day, but just figured I'd let ya'll know!
"Harry Grove Stadium in Frederick, MD is the location of our next autocross event, on SATURDAY December 4th. Due to the cold temperatures and the day being shorter, this event will be an abreviated autocross with 4 runs (5 depending on time) with two heats.
"Registration will be an hour later at 9:30. We will be having only 40 cars, two heats, with 4 runs (5 if we get lined up quickly). One heat will run and the other will work. Then we switch, pack up and go home.
"The event fee is $20 for members and $25 for non-members at this event. So if you plan to attend, e-mail me your name(s), make, model, year and color of your vehicle.
"The annual membership is $25 (if you do more than 2 events, its probably worth just joining).
"If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://members.cox.net/capitaldrivingclub/index.html">http://members.cox.net/capitaldrivingclub/index.html</a><!-- m -->
Right...so I've never done an autox with them, and I won't be able to attend on that day, but just figured I'd let ya'll know!