nice proposals guys, keep it coming.
remember, you DON'T have to have anything more than a general enthusiasm for cars and the club, as well as general knowlegde of the posistion your running for to actually run!! the officers will be MORE THAN HAPPY to take care of you once you're's our jobs until we graduate, and we'll still lend a hand when we can once we're gone. we want you to understand the in's and out's and keep the club alive and kicking more than ever. the OG's are also infinitely wise in the ways of blingdom and can help you pretty much whenever you ask.
again, thanks for the interest fellas.
2010 Civic Si
2019 4Runner TRD Off-Road
Past: 03 Xterra SE 4x4 | 05 Impreza 2.5RS | 99.5 A4 Quattro 1.8T | 01 Accord EX | 90 Maxima GXE | 96 Explorer XLT
elections are only a couple days away... we've got a lot of unopposed positions currently and i think a little competition would be healthy in promoting the club.
to all the candidates running, i've got a few questions.
MM was founded as a motorsport club and from that comes cars as opposed to many other automotive clubs that sit around and bench race and talk about which chrome spinnaz go with their body kits, y0. so how do you plan to keep the motorsport aspect as the dominant focus?
how do you plan to promote MM to the JMU community?
how do you plan to promote MM to the local motorsports community? (nasa-va, vmsc, scca, etc.)
many friendships have come from people meeting in MM and talkin cars. how do you plan to help cohesion with current members and what are you planning on doing to recruit new members?
how do you plan on raising money for the club?
1994 Ford Ranger
2004 Honda S2000
2007 BMW X3
well, i would be at a disadvantage cause i don't know local motorsports communities, and part of the jmu community as a whole...
i am a firm believer of the whole motoring aspect....functionabitlity should be the basis fo ryour car....looks don't help you run any better
i have already been speaking to a few people about the MM organization, and hopefully can pull a few of them round.....along with that, i'll try to get events running smoothly, (for my abilities) to help keep the MM together and active.
as for raising money....i'd have to see how much we need and what options were available to us, then...check with people in the MM to see how they want to get monies, *it is their club after all) and from there proceed with the fund raising...
I think the foundation of MM as an actual motorsport club, one that gets out there and actually competes/helps at motorsport events, is very strong, especially in comparison with other motorport clubs at nearby colleges (cough cough VT cough cough)
To be honest I think the best way to make sure this foundation is continued and stregthened even more is to get the young guys into it. It seems that the people who know the OG's are much more active when it comes to actually getting out to the track/event. I think if we make an effort to get those who actually have never had much experience in the motorsport area to a few events, and get them involved early, it will pay off in the future. To an extent we do this now, which is great, but I think we could encourage this even more in the future. This will also solve any problem of cohesion, as when you're out all day with MM guys you really learn a lot about them, and really start to appreciate them.
As for the JMU community I would suggest getting our name out there more. I have a few friends that were interested in cars, but new nothing about this club, as was the same with me before I saw a post by jack on honda-tech. Maybe we could have some kind of event, or throw some kind of party, solely in the MM name, and advertise it arround JMU? This might also solve any fundraising problem? Although as stated above by myuki this would have to be an agreed on event by the club. Or what about actually posting for events on different car forums such as H-T. Im sure we would get a few more members/visitors...I mean come on, who wouldnt come to a meeting at JMU to slobber all over maeng's sti and rj's type Arrr
As for NASA and the like, I think we are doing a great job getting the MM name known. I think we're doing a great job with representation at the track numbers wise, and all the drivers there seem to be more than happy with the young guys they see volunteering to help flag/grid.
The last thing I'd like to say is I really, really support the idea of more get togethers outside of school/perhaps a few more in school. Before I went to the track I really kind of felt intimidated by the older members, and to a certain extent I still do by the OG's. You guys are all more than nice, and great guys, but coming together once every two weeks for an hour really doesnt do the subject justice. If we got together a day a month on a weekend I think it would really help cohesion.
My $.02 -_-
Keith Galvin
2008 Mazda 3
good stuff guys, keep em' coming.
1996 BMW 328is white │ 89 BMW 325i track car │84 BMW 325e for sale!│Past: 94 Honda Del Sol S, 2003 Toyota 4Runner V8 Limited, 1996 BMW 328i
e30/e36 parts for sale... PM me
Chris Wrote:good stuff guys, keep em' coming.
whats your email? Could you get a thread going with just the members and their desired offices? This would help a little instead of sorting through all the stuff here.
Thanks chris
2008 Mazda 3
ask and you will receive..
email: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
I'd encourage all to be at the meeting on Wed. Especially if you're running for a position!
President: Ryan Thayer
V. Pres: Travis
Secretary: Mike F., Keith, Nick
Treasurer: Aaron
PR/Webmaster: Jeff?
1996 BMW 328is white │ 89 BMW 325i track car │84 BMW 325e for sale!│Past: 94 Honda Del Sol S, 2003 Toyota 4Runner V8 Limited, 1996 BMW 328i
e30/e36 parts for sale... PM me
Chris Wrote:PR/Webmaster: Jeff?
Who is Jeff?
mongooze Wrote:Chris Wrote:PR/Webmaster: Jeff?
Who is Jeff? yeah im in the dark to...
looks like lots of competition for secretary! Guess the position just pwns all else -_-
2008 Mazda 3
Jeff is TurboOmni... he's getting his speech together to post up.
1996 BMW 328is white │ 89 BMW 325i track car │84 BMW 325e for sale!│Past: 94 Honda Del Sol S, 2003 Toyota 4Runner V8 Limited, 1996 BMW 328i
e30/e36 parts for sale... PM me
As said before MM has a very strong foundation in motorsports that was built by the OG officers. Everyone that has been in the club for awhile seems to be very into motorsports. We need to focus on getting the new members involved in motorsports, since they are the future of the club. The best way to do this is to continue having motorsport related events such as autocrosses and track events. Even just getting members out to the track to watch an event or possibly work is a big step in the right direction. We also need to maintain our ties with NASA and all of the other organizations that Madison Motorsports has gotten involved in since its beginning. They help us get events planned and help make it possible for us to be a motorsport oriented club.
While the motorsport aspect of the club is extremely important the social interaction of the members of the club is just as important. We can't all go enjoy track events and autocrosses if none of us know each other. I personally have made many friends so far in MM and am looking forward to meeting new people and making more friends in the club in my remaining time at JMU. We can build these important friendships by having social events such as BBQs and parties. We can also continue to have wrench days which allow people to get to know one another while still maintaining the motorsport aspect of the club that everyone loves.
Recruiting new members is also very important to the success of the club. I plan on going to the student organization night and spreading the MM name to new students. I would also like to have more MM events on campus that would get us more involved amongst the community. Recently I have run into many people who are extremely interested in cars, but have no knowledge of MM. I pointed them in the right direction and hopefully we will see them at meetings. Another possible idea would be to make little MM flyers that members can carry around and give to people who are interested in the club.
The fundraising aspect of the club is very important. I would like to continue doing such events as autocrosses and the car show. Perhaps we can try to work concession at basketball games again to raise money. Other than that we can discuss other fundraising ideas such as letters to parents and alums and perhaps having events such as car washes.
Thanks for your time
Maengelito Wrote:elections are only a couple days away... we've got a lot of unopposed positions currently and i think a little competition would be healthy in promoting the club.
to all the candidates running, i've got a few questions.
MM was founded as a motorsport club and from that comes cars as opposed to many other automotive clubs that sit around and bench race and talk about which chrome spinnaz go with their body kits, y0. so how do you plan to keep the motorsport aspect as the dominant focus?
how do you plan to promote MM to the JMU community?
how do you plan to promote MM to the local motorsports community? (nasa-va, vmsc, scca, etc.)
many friendships have come from people meeting in MM and talkin cars. how do you plan to help cohesion with current members and what are you planning on doing to recruit new members?
how do you plan on raising money for the club?
Keeping motorsports as the primary function of the club shouldn't be too hard...since thats all we really do. That is one reason I would like to promote more social events. But as far as keeping the motorsports alive, I do have a few ideas. As I'm sure everyone knows/has noticed, we primarily do events through NASA-VA with Chris and Laura Cobetto. Now NASA is a wonderful organization and I really enjoy working with them, but I wouldn't mind seeing the club out at some other events. Perhaps we could get involved with some SCCA events or vmsc. I know vmsc holds lots of auto-x events.
As I said in my initial speech, promotion of MM will be through large black and yellow wings and huge car banners. Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of advertising the club to the modified cars around campus, much like we did before the car show.
I don't feel there is any serious need to promote MM to NASA as we already have a good relationship with them. I believe that if we could get some members to go to a few of the vmsc auto-x and such and get our name out then we could maybe organize an event with them.
Recruiting new members could begin with the putting flyers on cars. I believe that once we get someone to a meeting, if they are really into the motorsports aspect of cars then there will be no problem having them as members. If they come to a meeting looking for rice...and leave then I don't see that much of a loss since rice is not what we are going for. I'm a firm believer in quality over quantity. As I said before, more social events will help with the cohesion of members.
Raising money is always an important topic...but never a fun one to have to do. The 'writing a letter to your parents' idea that we've thrown around but never really done could work. Making the car show bigger and better will help with the money since that is our big money maker of the year. The auto-x events we run also make money for the club. I'm not sure on an exact figure of how much we earned for the one we held with NASA at VMP on sunday, but I'm sure its not just chump change.
I want anyone and everyone with questions to post them up. Elections are in 2 days and we need to get more information out there and more overall interest in this election. This is the future of MM were talking about here.
2010 Dodge Ram 1500
2019 Ford Mustang
My name is Jeff Morrison and I will be running for PR/Webmaster (whatever that is really called) for the next year. I admire the work Jack has done with the webpage and want to add to its functionality and design. I am a freshman business major and have tinkered with computers and web-pages since middle school. I will seek information and skills from the current webmaster and work as hard as I can to make it nothing but better and keep it in top form.
The PR aspect of the position involves promoting and organizing club events. I think the club can work harder to be involved more in the JMU community by hosting more general events. Free cruise-ins and normal fund-raising car shows should be included to draw in a more general audience and expose them to the ÔÇ£motorsport aspect.ÔÇØ I was in the ÔÇ£wings and rimsÔÇØ crowd for awhile and since joining this club IÔÇÖve learned what auto crossing is, what 2JZ means, and why Travis has monster wheel hop. All these things have increased my interest in racing my cars instead of blinging them. People like me are where our impact can be most felt.
As far as racing organizations go, IÔÇÖd love to be more involved in events and make the club more known. IÔÇÖve never made it to an event due to scheduling but I hope to next season. I want to be more involved in drag racing and promote that in the club. Through racing events, car shows, member events, and meetings I think we can improve member cohesion. I admire all the current officers and wish to continue their enthusiasm and commitment to the club in the next ÔÇ£administration.ÔÇØ
In conclusion, I have spent all my life around cars. In one way or another IÔÇÖve always been involved with automobiles. This club is my only involvement on campus and I hope to channel my enthusiasm for cars and all my free time to help make this organization a success.
Jeff Morrison - Used Car Manager
Woodstock Garage, Inc.
Chrysler - Dodge - Jeep - RAM
Current Stable of Mopar Junk
57 Chrysler Windsor 4drHT - 67 Dodge D100 Short Bed Step Side - 71 Dodge Challenger - 91 Chrysler Lebaron LX 33k mile Survivor - 91 Dodge Dakota V8 - 05 Chrysler Crossfire Roadster - 08 Ram 2500 Cummins
i do like the interest from all the candidates, but honestly, there is no point in holding elections if we have so many positions unopposed. does anyone else care to step up?
1994 Ford Ranger
2004 Honda S2000
2007 BMW X3
yeah Maeng is right, we have shoe-ins for every position except sexretary. it's not like the other positions are the hardest things ever. give it a shot guys, we need you to keep MM alive.
i have a question for whoever candidate would like to answer:
what do you guys see in the future as far as coordinating events or get togethers with other clubs, be it local or an organized club like CCVT?
2010 Civic Si
2019 4Runner TRD Off-Road
Past: 03 Xterra SE 4x4 | 05 Impreza 2.5RS | 99.5 A4 Quattro 1.8T | 01 Accord EX | 90 Maxima GXE | 96 Explorer XLT
my one and only question... do you have a girlfriend? have pics? preferrably NUDE pics?
I Am Mike
4 wheels: '01 RAV4 (Formerly '93 Civic CX, '01 S2000, '10 GTI, '09 A4 Avant)
2 wheels: '12 Surly Cross-Check Custom | '14 Trek Madone 2.1 105 | '17 Norco Threshold SL Force 1 | '17 Norco Revolver 9.2 FS | '18 BMC Roadmachine 02 Two | '19 Norco Search XR Steel (Formerly '97 Honda VFR750F, '05 Giant TCR 2, '15 WeThePeople Atlas 24, '10 Scott Scale 29er XT, '11 Cervelo R3 Rival, '12 Ridley X-Fire Red)
No longer onyachin.
Maengelito Wrote:i do like the interest from all the candidates, but honestly, there is no point in holding elections if we have so many positions unopposed. does anyone else care to step up?
Ok so to make these elections a little more competitive, I now running for Vice Pres instead of Secretary. I ran this by with Chris, and he said this was fine. What i've said still applies, and to be honest the extra responsibility that VP brings just makes the job more appealing.
As for Scotty's question: To be honest, I think coordinating events with other clubs, especially other collegiate clubs, is our biggest chance to increase knowledge of MM, and meet more people with the same interests we have. I would love to see a few meets a year, perhaps a get together or a competitive auto x with VT, George Mason, UVA, VMI, and even colleges out of VA. I have many friends that are into cars, in car clubs at different colleges, that Im sure could pitch this idea in their respective clubs. Obviously anything we can do with bigger, more organized clubs to gain a repuation, and make MM more well known is great.
Not sure if I fully answered the question, but did my best
Anyway Im excited about the upcoming election, and good luck to all -_-
Keith G
2008 Mazda 3
MichaelJComputer Wrote:my one and only question... do you have a girlfriend? have pics? preferrably NUDE pics?
Why do you need naked pics of my g/f? We all have seen maengs mom naked by now anyway, why should I post them on here? :wink:
2008 Mazda 3
my one comment thus far... hating on civics is a bad thing... at least until the elections are over
I Am Mike
4 wheels: '01 RAV4 (Formerly '93 Civic CX, '01 S2000, '10 GTI, '09 A4 Avant)
2 wheels: '12 Surly Cross-Check Custom | '14 Trek Madone 2.1 105 | '17 Norco Threshold SL Force 1 | '17 Norco Revolver 9.2 FS | '18 BMC Roadmachine 02 Two | '19 Norco Search XR Steel (Formerly '97 Honda VFR750F, '05 Giant TCR 2, '15 WeThePeople Atlas 24, '10 Scott Scale 29er XT, '11 Cervelo R3 Rival, '12 Ridley X-Fire Red)
No longer onyachin.
MichaelJComputer Wrote:my one comment thus far... hating on civics is a bad thing... at least until the elections are over 
My question for the moment is, explain other major time commitments and how you can fit in your responsibilities as an officer at the same time. I know this is hard to answer, but give it a shot. We know classes and school work are the most important, I'd just like to know how well you are with time management.
1996 BMW 328is white │ 89 BMW 325i track car │84 BMW 325e for sale!│Past: 94 Honda Del Sol S, 2003 Toyota 4Runner V8 Limited, 1996 BMW 328i
e30/e36 parts for sale... PM me