(02-27-2018, 10:12 PM)Senor_Taylor Wrote: The engine bay is looking RIGHT.
I still need to clean up my spark plug wires pretty bad. I have everything I need to make em pretty, it's just pretty low on the list right now. When i feel like getting my hands soaked in brake fluid, I'll redo the brake lines as well.
(02-27-2018, 10:41 PM)Steve85 Wrote: Very interested is following your experience with the EFI conversion. Always wondered if they were as straight forward as advertised and how well it runs.
Shouldn't be long, I want to have it running again this weekend. I'm excited to see how well it'll handle autocrossing and if it'll solve my idling issues. It's been bouncing between 600 and 900 for quite some time now.