01-23-2005, 07:48 PM
Copied from E30tech.com. I think this is the dumbest mistake I've ever heard. Maybe you shouldn't be rebuilding a motor if you haven't been turning wrenches long enough to feel the difference between 80ft/lbs and 7. :oops: :roll:
OHHHH MANN!!! I feel like such and idiot. I just finished my rebuild, and added coolant and what not. The car started and ran fine the first time i fired it up. The next day I drove it around the block to see how it ran, and I noticed I was leaking coolant from some unknown location. I checked the hoses and what not and found nothing still. I then attempted to to bleed the coolant system. I noticed that it was taking a lot more coolant then i thought it should, then i noticed a small leak coming from the head gasket near the front of the engine but thought that that would be impossible and it had to be coming from one of the hoses above the location. I continued to fill the system with coolant, and when i thought I was done i shut off the car and let it sit for the rest of the ngiht. The next day (today) I checked the coolant level and it was next to completely empty.
I thought to myself what could the problem be. Was the head not torqued on all the way and the coolent was really coming from between the head and the block? I then rememberd that when I was torqing the head bolts, the wrench seemed to click very prematurly for 80 ft pounds. The wrench was brand new so I juss thought that this was normal since the wrench was so long that it juss multiplied my emense man power So I checked the wrenched manual and noticed a conversion table. One of the conversion was "12 inch pounds = 1 foot pound" Then it hit me. "CRAP THIS FREAKIN THINK IS TORQING IN INCH POUNDS!!!! AHHH I just about shat my pants. Everything I had torqued was 12 times less then I assumed. That means my head was only torqed on at 6 foot pounds! And the same for my connecting rods!!
Firiggin A!!!!!
Well now that yoiu know whats up, the reason Im posting this, is to ask if you think that the head gasket is still usable. Could the boiling hot water that was leaking out past the gasket and down the block damage the surface of the head gasket? I assume there is some water still trapped between the head and the gasket, would this affect anything after I torqe the head bolts down to the correct torqe?
I dont think there is gunna be any problems, but I just want a second opinion. The engine did seem to run fine even when the head wasnt torqued down correctly. I hope everythign will be fine. I also have to torqe my connecting rods again, what a bithc .
I aslo hope this wont affect the perfance of the head gasket since Im going to be turboing.
Well thats the end of my sad story thanks for reading.
Can you imagine?! And he's going to be able to put a turbo kit together? I think he's hunting for a darwin award. :lol:
OHHHH MANN!!! I feel like such and idiot. I just finished my rebuild, and added coolant and what not. The car started and ran fine the first time i fired it up. The next day I drove it around the block to see how it ran, and I noticed I was leaking coolant from some unknown location. I checked the hoses and what not and found nothing still. I then attempted to to bleed the coolant system. I noticed that it was taking a lot more coolant then i thought it should, then i noticed a small leak coming from the head gasket near the front of the engine but thought that that would be impossible and it had to be coming from one of the hoses above the location. I continued to fill the system with coolant, and when i thought I was done i shut off the car and let it sit for the rest of the ngiht. The next day (today) I checked the coolant level and it was next to completely empty.
I thought to myself what could the problem be. Was the head not torqued on all the way and the coolent was really coming from between the head and the block? I then rememberd that when I was torqing the head bolts, the wrench seemed to click very prematurly for 80 ft pounds. The wrench was brand new so I juss thought that this was normal since the wrench was so long that it juss multiplied my emense man power So I checked the wrenched manual and noticed a conversion table. One of the conversion was "12 inch pounds = 1 foot pound" Then it hit me. "CRAP THIS FREAKIN THINK IS TORQING IN INCH POUNDS!!!! AHHH I just about shat my pants. Everything I had torqued was 12 times less then I assumed. That means my head was only torqed on at 6 foot pounds! And the same for my connecting rods!!
Firiggin A!!!!!
Well now that yoiu know whats up, the reason Im posting this, is to ask if you think that the head gasket is still usable. Could the boiling hot water that was leaking out past the gasket and down the block damage the surface of the head gasket? I assume there is some water still trapped between the head and the gasket, would this affect anything after I torqe the head bolts down to the correct torqe?
I dont think there is gunna be any problems, but I just want a second opinion. The engine did seem to run fine even when the head wasnt torqued down correctly. I hope everythign will be fine. I also have to torqe my connecting rods again, what a bithc .
I aslo hope this wont affect the perfance of the head gasket since Im going to be turboing.
Well thats the end of my sad story thanks for reading.
Can you imagine?! And he's going to be able to put a turbo kit together? I think he's hunting for a darwin award. :lol: