winter cold tips?
Maybe its because my car is getting old and has a small displacement engine, but its really feels horrible in the cold now...

just wondering about any tips on care or anything like that for the cold. All I do now is try and let it warm up for 10-15 min before driving.
1996 BMW 328is white │ 89 BMW 325i track car │84 BMW 325e for sale!│Past: 94 Honda Del Sol S, 2003 Toyota 4Runner V8 Limited, 1996 BMW 328i

e30/e36 parts for sale... PM me
I wouldn't bother with the warmup. Start and go. BUT take it easy until oil and water come up to a reasonable temp... light throttle, shift below 3 grand, that sort of thing. That's probably better for the car, doesn't put much more load on the motor but does get it more oil, and doesn't waste fuel. About all you can do to help (that I can think of) is switching to lighter weight fluids. And make sure your thermostat is doing its job.
BLINGMW Wrote:make sure your thermostat is doing its job.

what if it's doing its job and then some? my car only gets somewhat warm by the end of my 15 minute commute each morning and even then it's slightly lower than it normally is in the winter.
I Am Mike
4 wheels:  '01 RAV4 (Formerly '93 Civic CX, '01 S2000, '10 GTI, '09 A4 Avant)
2 wheels: '12 Surly Cross-Check Custom | '14 Trek Madone 2.1 105 | '17 Norco Threshold SL Force 1 | '17 Norco Revolver 9.2 FS | '18 BMC Roadmachine 02 Two | '19 Norco Search XR Steel (Formerly '97 Honda VFR750F, '05 Giant TCR 2, '15 WeThePeople Atlas 24, '10 Scott Scale 29er XT, '11 Cervelo R3 Rival, '12 Ridley X-Fire Red)

No longer onyachin.
replace that thing! It's probably stuck open.
how hard is it? keep in mind it's 15 degrees here...
I Am Mike
4 wheels:  '01 RAV4 (Formerly '93 Civic CX, '01 S2000, '10 GTI, '09 A4 Avant)
2 wheels: '12 Surly Cross-Check Custom | '14 Trek Madone 2.1 105 | '17 Norco Threshold SL Force 1 | '17 Norco Revolver 9.2 FS | '18 BMC Roadmachine 02 Two | '19 Norco Search XR Steel (Formerly '97 Honda VFR750F, '05 Giant TCR 2, '15 WeThePeople Atlas 24, '10 Scott Scale 29er XT, '11 Cervelo R3 Rival, '12 Ridley X-Fire Red)

No longer onyachin.
like I know a damn thing about Hondas. On my Fiero, it was at the top of the system. Didn't even have to lose or drain a drop of coolant. On my BMW, easy to get to, but have to drain some coolant. On my E36, slightly harder to get to, have to drain coolant. You could be anywhere in there, it's usually not much of a job.
MichaelJComputer Wrote:how hard is it? keep in mind it's 15 degrees here...

You'll have to drain the coolant, or just make a huge ffing mess - your call.

Its right on the block, under the head on the intake manifold side, follow the lower radiator hose to it - held on by pair of 10mm bolts. Make sure the t-stat and gasket are in the correct orientation when installing (bleed hole on the t-stat is 'up' and the nub on the gasket lines up to the notch on the housing)
(09-25-2019, 03:18 PM)V1GiLaNtE Wrote: I think you need to see a mental health professional.
drive the shit out of the Del Sol. Don't worry about warming it up. 5000 RPM clutch dumps at every stoplight. You'll be putting in a GSR motor in no time! :-D
Dave Wrote:drive the shit out of the Del Sol. Don't worry about warming it up. 5000 RPM clutch dumps at every stoplight. You'll be putting in a GSR motor in no time! :-D

hah! note to self... keep dave very far away from car... :twisted:
1996 BMW 328is white │ 89 BMW 325i track car │84 BMW 325e for sale!│Past: 94 Honda Del Sol S, 2003 Toyota 4Runner V8 Limited, 1996 BMW 328i

e30/e36 parts for sale... PM me
I like the noise a rotary makes when starting in 6 degree weather.
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2008 Felt F75 - Pedal Power
My 12A never complained in cold Smile

I need another one... drift machine
(09-25-2019, 03:18 PM)V1GiLaNtE Wrote: I think you need to see a mental health professional.
.RJ Wrote:My 12A never complained in cold Smile

I need another one... drift machine

well that miata didn't last long.... :roll:
lol... you think im serious?

RJ - strangely intrigued by the rotary rev limit buzzer as the tach sweeps over 7500... 8000... 8500...
(09-25-2019, 03:18 PM)V1GiLaNtE Wrote: I think you need to see a mental health professional.
I will always be baffled by that. Out of all the cars that COULD use an audible rev limit, with hundreds of tiny parts moving up and down at supersonic speeds, why did mazda install it on cars that don't really care? :|





BLINGMW Wrote:I will always be baffled by that. Out of all the cars that COULD use an audible rev limit, with hundreds of tiny parts moving up and down at supersonic speeds, why did mazda install it on cars that don't really care? :|






Yeah really that thing is annoying. It should be connected to a slip angle sensor so when I'm getting into a slide that's too big it goes off

it's people that do ish like that that kill rotaries fast.

Hey look boys! I have no redline!
My Tumblr
2008 Felt F75 - Pedal Power
I thought it was people that turn the boost up to 40psi on the rotaries that kill them quikcly...
When it comes to Ryan Jenkins, the story ends with me putting him in the wall.

2009 Speed Triple | 2006 DR-Z400SM | 1999 CBR600F4 | 1998 Jeep Cherokee

See, I thought it was because they were built like 2-strokes that rotaries died quickly.
1987 Oldsmobile Cutlass 442

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