Votex front bumper for mk4 Jetta
Hey i would like to trade front bumpers with someone, i have a black votex front bumper and would like to go back to stock. if u r interested please let me know. id like to trade for stock bumper and like 100 bucks, thats it. so just let me know.
my sn is
ill ask around to all my VW friends... are all mk4 jetta blacks the same.. i know the GLIs arent but are all the others the same?
78 Audi 80 / Fox
74 Audi Fox
75 diesel benz
03 jetta wagon TDI -DD
01 jeep Cherokee
84 rabbit GTI
98 Jetta TDI (motor swap)
92 Porsche C2

MM forums... where topics get OFF-TOPIC with a quickness
the vw name for the color is uni black. thanks for your help
I might be willing to trade bumpers. I have a 2000 Uni Black Jetta. Can you send me some pics of the votex bumper to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
nvm...u posted months ago
hey man if you are interested we can meet up sometime. let me know. you can im if you like, my sn is turbon8or, peace

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