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Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - Printable Version

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Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - ispoonwithmugen - 10-25-2011

I'm just throwing this together for now but anywayyy, all prices are mm pricing Smile

2x brand new oakley gascans in black 85
1x ALMOST brand new oakley gascans in white 85
1x Oakley batwolf's with changable o's 190
1x Electric charges 150

Sti stuff

Sti wing already painted silver 230
Wingless trunk, a bunch of dents from ups fucking me hard. I'm looking for 200... i paid 300 shipped for it and ups wouldnt take it back (long story)


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Re: Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - Kaan - 10-25-2011

I need spoon and mugen gear!

Re: Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - Jewels - 10-25-2011

ispoonwithmugen Wrote:I'm just throwing this together for now but anywayyy, all prices are mm pricing Smile

2x brand new oakley gascans in black 85
1x ALMOST brand new oakley gascans in white 85
1x Oakley batwolf's with changable o's 190
1x Electric charges 150

Sti stuff

Sti wing already painted silver 230
Wingless trunk, a bunch of dents from ups fucking me hard. I'm looking for 200... i paid 300 shipped for it and ups wouldnt take it back (long story)

I'll update this wehnever i have time/ whenveer i go home and get some pics

Are the black Gascan's polarized?

Re: Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - kcook - 10-25-2011

pics of the wingless trunk?

Re: Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - ispoonwithmugen - 10-25-2011

i believe they are polarized, one pair is and one isn't i think.. and no current pics till i go home aand the wingless is wrb

Re: Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - CaptainHenreh - 10-25-2011

ispoonwithmugen Wrote:i believe they are polarized, one pair is and one isn't i think.. and no current pics till i go home aand the wingless is wrb

Is it 85 for both? I'm confused.

Re: Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - ispoonwithmugen - 10-26-2011

no just 85 for each, sorry for the unclarity

Re: Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - CaptainHenreh - 10-26-2011

ispoonwithmugen Wrote:no just 85 for each, sorry for the unclarity


I'll give you 75 for the polarized pair, or 50 for the standard lens pair.

Re: Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - ispoonwithmugen - 10-30-2011

alright, let me know whenever you wanna meet, i think i have a sale for the polarized ones for 100 so the non polarized i'll do 60? text me 5409033466

Re: Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - ispoonwithmugen - 11-20-2011

about to upload these pics... bumpp

Re: Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - ispoonwithmugen - 11-23-2011


Re: Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - JPolen01 - 11-24-2011

Any chance the price of the trunk is dropping? My friend might be interested but $200 is steep. He said he has seen debadged trunks in good condition going for that price.

Re: Some oakleys and somce sti stuff! - ispoonwithmugen - 11-24-2011

tell him to shoot me an offer, most of the wingless i see around me go for 300, but tell him to text me and we can probably work out some sort of deal