Madison Motorsports
Does this say something about us? - Printable Version

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Does this say something about us? - Jeff - 05-17-2007

I was wandering around and I made a humorous note. In "gallery" there pops up a random assortment of pictures as it askes you to pick a specific user to view. Here was what I saw...
[Image: mmdesktop.jpg]

I know it is hard to see because I did not edit it and photobucket hates big pictures. But note that the picture of the 4 girls on the hood of the Celica has 355 views...well 356 now. Also note that the SHO has 0 views, boobies e30 has 8...and the random race picture has like 72. I LOLed as I realized the sausagefest that is MM...LOVE YOU GUYS!