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Engine Hoist (cherrypicker) - Printable Version

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Engine Hoist (cherrypicker) - KPWSerpiente - 10-09-2005

Brand new Powerlift or whatever from Advance Auto. Rated at 2 tons. By the time I'm ready to sell it will have been used twice. 160$ to any MMer. That is 40 bucks below the AA price, plus it comes assembled (took us an hour to put it together) and it comes with a couple 36 inch 5,000 lb chains which I had to buy seperately.

I'll drive it to anywhere in NoVa or the Hburg, or Cville, or Richmond.

If no one wants it...I'm going to put it back in the box and take it back to my store.

Picture to come later tonight.


- KPWSerpiente - 10-10-2005

I'm dead serious fools. This thing is a space saver. It folds up and doesn't require too much room to store.

Someone save me the hassle of having to put it back in the box.

$150 delivered to your door (if you are in VA or a small selection of MD).
