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Dave's Taverna after the meeting... - Printable Version

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Dave's Taverna after the meeting... - JohnC - 03-02-2005

This is always a good time - Jess and I are going for dinner regardless, the rest of you f00ls should join us Smile

- Feersty - 03-02-2005

We went there last time dog, and the waitress was a complete bitch. Chili's sounds better, or even Red Lobster.

- JohnC - 03-02-2005

Sorry, I'm going to Dave's Smile Spanakopita, a Taverna Burger with fries, and pitcher of Newcastle are where its at, no matter how bitchy a waitress might be...

- ScottyB - 03-02-2005

JohnC Wrote:pitcher of Newcastle

mmf. i'd nearly go on a pilgramage to get a pitcher of newcastle.

- .RJ - 03-02-2005

I miss dave's Sad

- Mike - 03-02-2005

ScottyB Wrote:
JohnC Wrote:pitcher of Newcastle

mmf. i'd nearly go on a pilgramage to get a pitcher of newcastle.


- Dave - 03-02-2005

Feersty Wrote:We went there last time dog, and the waitress was a complete bitch. Chili's sounds better, or even Red Lobster.
she may have been a bitch, but she paid for it by not getting paid in tips.
Besides, last time I checked, you can ask for a different waitress is she is that worthless.

- BLAIR - 03-02-2005

missing the meeting cause ill be at class... but ill go to daves any idea swhat time you all will be headed there?

- G.Irish - 03-02-2005

Dave Wrote:
Feersty Wrote:We went there last time dog, and the waitress was a complete bitch. Chili's sounds better, or even Red Lobster.
she may have been a bitch, but she paid for it by not getting paid in tips.
Besides, last time I checked, you can ask for a different waitress is she is that worthless.

Hopefully this was not the same waitress I accidentally called a bitch...

- BLAIR - 03-02-2005

good times ( better than playing video games IMO)

- Feersty - 03-03-2005

The waitress from two weeks ago served our food. HAHHAHAHHA, Blair starting doing hissing noises when she was in eye shot, funny shit. Jess kept trying to calm us down, hahaha.

- Myuki - 03-03-2005

Feersty Wrote:The waitress from two weeks ago served our food. HAHHAHAHHA, Blair starting doing hissing noises when she was in eye shot, funny shit. Jess kept trying to calm us down, hahaha.
lol, was a good night. I got some words in too.

- JohnC - 03-03-2005

Awesome to see everyone. Jess and I had a great time as usual Smile

- CaptainHenreh - 03-03-2005

It was a great time, anyone who didn't come out should have.

No bitchy waiter, but I thought Pete was going to be wearing his salad when the girl who wasn't our waitress delivered it.