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December 18th AutoX - Printable Version

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December 18th AutoX - PDenbigh - 12-03-2004

I've heard roumers of an AutoX on Dec 18th? If this is an open event, could somone elaborate on things such as:

1. Where it is?
2. How much $?
3. Where to sign up?
4. Why is boost so addicting?



- Mike - 12-03-2004

1. vmp
2. same as always (which i don't know)
3. nasa site when it is put online
4. don't touch it and you never have to wonder Tongue VTEC!

- Chris - 12-03-2004

registration is in the works. $15 for MMembers. There definately is an autox then.

- PDenbigh - 12-03-2004

Cool then. I will remove my ? from the thread title since it's actually an event!